Well....looking at my OPAM list you would think I haven't been doing much lately! But I feel like I have been running around chasing my tail and getting no where, I think it may have something to do with too many WIPs!
I think I will make a WIP list so that I can keep track of what I am doing!

This cute house is the first block for Homespun's new BOM. This project is one that I really would like to keep up with as I subscribed to the mag especially for it! I'll keep my fingers crossed!

I've been playing with the idea of making water bottle holders for the boys drink bottles. This is one I made out of an old baby t-shirt. It was quite stained so I wouldn't give it away, so I cut it up! TP loves it and I guess that is the main thing!
While working on some more petals for the Don't Look Know Quilt Along I made a huge mistake. All I can say is my brain is tired!
Instead of cutting the Floriani stabiliser on the line I ironed my fabric on and then cut the petals out, then I went to fold the edges over and ah-oh!
I feel like I am getting way behind in this project, I am nowhere near having 14 blocks to join together. Maybe I will end up just making a smaller quilt, however I am not ready to give up yet!
On a sadder note, my grandmother passed away a little over a week ago, and the funeral was on Monday. She was 90 years old, with 6 children, 15 grand-children and over 30 great grand-children. Her family played a role in the growth and development of the area, and a lot of us still live in the area and surrounding areas. Sadly a living piece of history is now gone, fortunately there are many photographs and home videos (silent and black & white) for us to remember her by.
Hopefully I will be able to get into a bit of a routine over the next few weeks, with kindy, work and life in general.
Til next time,
Don't worry be happy!
Thank you for your comment. I enjoyed making the cosy and I love drinking tea! I have just started blogging and can't believe the wealth of ideas and knowledge being so generously shared by everyone. The tea cosy was a direct result of that. Sorry to hear about the loss of your grandmother. Special people will always stay with us.
The cup cozy is cute.
/I want to let you know that I have a BIG give-a-way starting on Sunday and it will be really fun. I am calling it SPREADING THE LOVE--cuz I love my FOLLOWERS. There are lots of gifts, from really cool vendors. Each week there will be SEVERAL winners--that is right it will be going on all month long. So you can come back each week and leave me a comment, to put your name in.
You don't have to have a blog--you can e-mail me to enter your name.
Followers get their name in once and if you have my button on your side bar your name will go in 5 more times.
If you can double check your READER to see if you are getting my posts I would really appreciate it--for some reason Google has picked on me since the start of my blog and I always end up having them not post every few weeks.
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