Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Finish a Long 2nd Quarter Wrap Up

I guess in Australia we would call this the Term 2 wrap up…that is how I remember when each quarter is starting and ending. Well, it works for me! LOL

So, way back in April I made it my goal to finish 4 quilts.

engagement ideas progress

1st up was the Triangle Engagement Quilt, really I couldn’t think of a better name?

engagement quilt

Tick – that baby is done and dusted!

Sneak peek

Next up was this little sneak peek of a secret WIP…

Clowns Choice back

Well, here is the back just to prove that it is indeed finished! I can’t show you the front yet but seriously I love the back almost as much! (Don’t let my dodgy photography fool you, she is perfectly square!)

The third quilt was the Wonky Star Space Quilt which I post about yesterday.

wonky star space quilt front

We know that got finished too.

American Beauty top

I am sad to report that my American Beauty top has not been touched. So this one will be carried over into next terms Finish a Long.

I guess 3 out 4 isn’t too bad. Anyone else singing Meatloaf here? Maybe I am the only crazy one!

Linking to -

FAL 2013

Bye for now, Jess


Oops-Lah said...

No, 3 out of 4 is pretty awesome I would say. Well done. Of course I'm intrigued by quilt number 2!!! I can't wait for the big reveal ;)! When will it be?

Janet said...

Congratulations on your finishes! All your quilts sit beautifully flat. I love the back of the secret project.

Wendy said...

Wow Jess, you have had an amazing term, I love all your quilts. Well, I love the back of one! All beautiful.