So over on Kellie's Don't Look Now blog she has put into motion a mass progress report for the Quilt-along she is running.
Here is my progess -

- how much have you completed so far - I have done 6 blocks and have a heap of petals ready to be attached to the background.
- where / when are you finding the time to work on the project - I have a seemingly short attention span and keep getting distracted by other things, but I usually do this sort of thing at night after the kids have gone to bed.
- you may also like to let us know some of your tricks, tips & hints - I am trying to make a few blocks at a time. And I am going to try skipping the gluing of the seams down and turn it as I sew. I think I will get better points this way and I don't think it will take me any longer. I'll let you know how this goes!
- how you went about choosing your fabrics etc - I chose my favourite colour which is purple. I also love a scrappy look so I have nearly 20 different fabrics.
- what your plans are for the quilt ... who you are making it for etc - I am being selfish and making this quilt for myself. Ultimately I'd like to do a queen size but we shall see, I might not be finished before I'm 90!

This week I have also managed to finish a block from Homespuns BOM. I notice the new mag is at the newsagents but not in my letter box yet - not happy!

My SIL came down with her kids on Wednesday and I did some sewing with her eldest daughter, she is eight so it was quite interesting. I'll share some photos soon!
Be Happy,
P.S. The recipe for the Chocolate Cherry Slice is from Super Food Ideas mag, Feb 2010 issue. Sue, if you can't get a copy send me an email and I'll send you a copy of the recipe.
I saw that quilt along on the Don't Look Now site. Very tempting but can't take anything else on at the moment. Your results are gorgeous. I like the new blog site design too.
Hi Jessica! Thank you for joining in! your blocks are looking beautiful! I am very pleased to hear that you are saving this quilt for yourself ... after spending so much time on a project you deserve the reward!
I think that my block that I designed for the Homespun BOM will be in next months issue ... can you guess what it will be?
Looking forward to seeing your rows come together!!
PS I am also looking forward to my weekend in QLD next week!!!!!! Yahooo!!!!
It's looking good! I'm amazed at your precise points, somehow mine don't look half as good. And your BOM looks lovely too. Cheers Vreni
That quilt is going to be so pretty!
Looks very good, I am still havind so much fun working on the quilt along
Hi Jessica, I am slowly getting to see all the quilst and the progress being made and I have a drawer full of purple fabrics waiting to see what they will become so I will wait and see yours finished before I do anything wit my fabrics. It must be hard to find time to sew when you have littles at home, mine are grown and have children of their own.
Hi Jess,
Wow I love the colours you have used in your Joseph's coat...
The block of the month (Homespun) is so cute. I am also thinking of making it too.
Sandy N
Your version in purples is lovely. I haven't even counted the number of fabrics in my quilt, but I think that is something to do for my next post update.
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