Take a look at my company....

A movie and Choc Cherry Slice, yes I made it myself. Yummo!

A little stitching to do while watching the movie! I managed to squeeze in a movie while my youngest "BW", who is 20 months, was asleep this afternoon. It was a miracle!
I have also managed to get BW's satchel bag finished this week too!

It is the same as TP's except for the snail fabric where TP's has turtles.

Yesterday I was scanning an older issue of Aus Country Craft and Decorating magazine and came across an article called "Craft Blogs: a domestic fantasy?"
The author Karina May sayes we "tend to skip over the 'sticky' bits and reveal little about their lives. Although they may have a hectic household and be up to their necks in washing and ironing, by not divulging details of their day-to-day activities and chores, they project and image of a perfect existence."
I have to agree that this is true for most of the blogs I follow. But maybe I wouldn't be so inspired if I knew their lives where as chaotic as mine.

1. BW is chucking some major tantrums at the moment, so one them had to be dealt with!
2. TP created a huge puddle of juice and water on the bench which spilled over to the kitchen floor!
3. Dinner nearly burned, then got eaten! There is still the after dinner mess to be cleaned up yet!
4. There are towels in the dryer waiting to be folded, they have been waiting a while!
I'd better leave it at that or you might get depressed! LOL!
Be Happy,
We are all in the same boat - we put aside the things we don't want to do and do the things that we like (for as long as we can). I love the blogs for the sharing of ideas, inspiration and give aways. Speaking of which, did you see that Cinderberry Stitches is having a give away of your lovely Baguette Bag pattern.
Thanks Jess , I had a good laugh not at you but with you !
I love your companions!
My washing often sits in the machine waiting to be hung out while I'm here surfing blogland.
I've also been known to burn dinner while just checking one more blog. Or been late starting dinner.
Even now my breakfast dishes are waiting in the sink :o))
But we all agree.. blogland is fantastic...
Caths Blog
Cath Ü
Hi Jessica, what bliss it is having one son that still naps! Dont know what I am going to do, or when i am going to sew when naps end. Loving your choice of movies, any chance of the slice recipe? And love the bag, I love novelty fabrics, makes making boy stuff so much easier. Happy quilting, Sue.
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