This seems to have turned out to be a weekly affair! I try to post a couple times a week, but time just slips away.
A least the weather might cool off a bit over the next few days. Today it rained a bit - just to add humidity to the mix...ughhhh.
After the rain I thought I might take some photos while everything was wet and sparkly. Guess what I heard when I stepped outside?

We often hear koalas grunting at this time of year but we have so many trees it is hard to spot them. This one I caught on the move, he was grunting really loudly as he started up the tree and as you can see they blend in so I was lucky to see his movement as I looked around. I feel privileged that he posed for me!
Then I handed the camera over to a budding photographer.....

He actually took a few good photos concidering he was flashing the camera around and not giving it time to focus. It is interesting seeing what a 4 year old deems photo worthy.....

A bucket in the bush.....

Our dog Jed......

Rubbish on the deck - the broom waiting in anticipation..........

The view from our deck............
He is quite a creative young soul. I will post again in the next day or so as I have some other photos to share. For now I am off the catch some zzzzz's!
Goodnight all. Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!
Jess ;-)
Jessica, thanks for IS wonderful to let our young'ens 'play' with technology whilst they have an unrestricted view on creativity!...I got a new camera last week (early Chrissy present to myself!!) and I went out while hubby was watering the cane and just 'played' and tried to learn how it works...sometimes us 'oldies' are scared to break things, but it was fun!
Jessica it is amazing the sound that koalas make.
The budding photographer did a great job.
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